Monday, April 23, 2012

My Dream to Fly

As I looked up at the sky,
I saw the other birds flying so high.
Then here I am stuck on the ground,
Hoping for my chance to come around.
I know that I am bigger than most,
And extremely fast, not to boast,
But all I want is my chance to try.
If I don't, I think I'll cry.
I'll just stick my head back into the ground,
As all ostriches do year round,
For I know that my dream may not come true.
I guess I'll just have to be happy with what I do.
So here I am as they fly by,
And with them goes my dream to fly.

The Way of Life; The Zeal to Survive

Life is a precious gift that we get the privilege to have.  Each second of our lives we should make count because it is what forms us into what we are remembered for.  In this life we have many things to learn, but one thing that comes naturally is our will to live.

Recently we were reminded of what happened about 100 years ago, the day that the Titanic sank.  Many lives were lost in that tragic accident, and many lives were effected.  Many morose stories have been heard of the chaos, everyone so focused on living that they did not care what price might be paid.  The celerity of the moment may have led some to become what they never dreamed of becoming.Some may have become murderers in that moment because their will was so strong that they did what ever it took.  They may have felt beset because of what they had to do to survive.  I'm sure though, that when they looked back, that day of survival was not something they were proud of.

My class has recently been reading The Call of the Wild.  In this book, there are moments where the zeal to survive shows very strongly in the lives of the ferine dogs.  Buck, the main dog, shows it most when he goes on a journey with some newcomers and is forced to have a voracious appetite because of the lack of food, but some how he keeps on trucking.  Even when he sees his fellow dogs dropping out one by one, he kept fighting for his survival, and he finally finds himself alive and well.

The zeal to survive is strong and hard to control. How you reaction may surprise you in that moment, but I think that true strength comes when you allow someone else to take your spot in living.  So if you were in a near death experience, would you do what ever it takes to live? Or, would you accept death and put other lives before your own?